Update...{October 10, 2013}

Jane started the second cycle of the new drug Avastin on Monday, October 7th.  Jane has handled this drug fairly well with very few side effects and Jane’s blood work and kidney functions all appear to be headed in the right direction.  Jane’s energy levels are very high and spirits are positive.  Jane will take another cycle of the Avastin drug in three weeks (on or about October 28th) and then Jane’s cancer will be restaged in mid-November.  At that time, the doctors will review Jane’s CT scan and related test results to determine the path forward. 
As the summer weather gives way to slightly cooler temperatures in Houston, we offer prayers of gratitude and thanksgiving to so many of you who have been so helpful, supportive and loving over the past twenty four months.  There is no doubt that we could not have pushed forward without so much help and love.  Please know that we are humbled and thankful for all of you.

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