Update - January 10th

We received positive news today at MD Anderson.  The doctors compared Jane's CT scan dated October 14, 2011 with the CT scan dated January 10, 2012.  Based on this review, it appears that Jane's cancer is responding to the combination of the experimental drug, ABT 348, and the traditional chemotherapy.  The tumors are stable and not growing, which is the first step in beating it. 

Due to these results, Jane will stay on this experimental program and start Cycle 4 today.  There will be three 21 day cycles which will last until about mid-March 2012.  At the completion of Cycle 6, Jane will then be rescanned to assess the effectiveness of this plan. 

We continue to appreciate everyone's prayers, rosaries, Masses and tremendous assistance through this time period.  We are so grateful for the many family and friends providing support.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful news! Praise the Lord. You continue to be in my daily prayers. Maike George
